Monday, February 14, 2011

HW 34

When I think of birth I also think of death. Everyone must go through both it is just a part of life the start/beginning and the end of life. As a guy I will never have to go through the process of giving birth to a child and I am grateful for that. I would never wish that amount of pain on myself or any other person. This makes me thankful for moms. But from what I have heard it is one of the happiest moments of couples lives. To bring a life into this world seems very powerful. But it isn’t always a happy time. Not all babies survive the process and not every child grows up and has a full life. Losing a child while they are being born isn’t a thing anyone wants to go through.

Having a baby is a huge commitment not something you just decide without serious considering with your spouse. Having a child is also an investment. It is an investment since money is spent nurturing and growing a child before they can pay back and supports you. Personally I don’t know if I want children I haven’t thought about if much I do know that I am not good with kids. But if I were to I would want to plan for it not a surprise type thing.


1.) How many couples have children unintentionally and how many end up happy even though it wasn’t planed.
2.) If childbirth is so painful and somewhat dangerous why haven’t we been able to find another way to have kids?
3.) What influences a family to have a child and what influences others not to have one?
4.) What are some not so commonly known facts about birth that every couple should know before making a decision?

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